6月3日砺儒讲坛第68讲:啄食顺序理论在接待业中的应用研究(Woo Gon Kim 教授)

发布时间:2019-05-30 17:18:53 点击: 收藏本文

题 目:Pecking order of a hospitality firm(啄食顺序理论在接待业中的应用研究)

主讲人:Woo Gon Kim 博士 教授

  间:2019 63日(周一)1400—1600


主讲人简介:Woo Gon KimWoody)教授博士毕业于美国普渡大学,现任美国佛罗里达州立大学Dedman酒店管理学院教授(终身教职),款待服务管理研究中心总监。主要研究方向为收益管理、酒店品牌营销、款客服务等。Woo Gon KimWoody)教授从事学术研究以来已发表200余篇SSCI论文,是国际上酒店管理领域被引用频次处于顶尖水平的学者,其在Google Scholar 引用次数高达10306余次, H-index42Woo Gon KimWoody)教授还担任多部国际期刊的主编或编委和多个国际学术期刊的匿名审稿人,是全球最具影响力的酒店管理研究学者之一。

 Dr. Woody Kim is the Robert H. Dedman Professor of Hospitality Management and Director of the International Center for Hospitality Research & Development. He holds a Ph.D. from Purdue University and has taught at universities within the U.S. and abroad. His research and teaching interests include revenue management, pricing, brand management, customer relationship management, and hospitality finance. Prior to joining academia, he worked as a consultant for HVS International in New York. Dr. Kim was recognized as the 5th leading researcher worldwide among esteemed authors of Hospitality research in 2011.